Monday, November 19, 2007

"Totalitarian Abattoir" and Other Pithy Statements: The Immortal Words of Christopher Hitchens

Another excellent article in Slate Magazine by Christopher Hitchens, or Hitch, as I like to call him, has appeared. Hitch is one of my heros. I like former lefties who strongly support the war on terror. Hitch's perception the the world as it is, suffers from no lack of clarity. I especially like his description of Saddam Hussein's Iraq: totalitarian abattoir. It brings to mind Abu Ghraib prison and the disgusting, horrifying abuses that took place in that cold, stark place before the regime was toppled.

Hitch has always been on the right side in this war and his many essays and television appearances cut right to the chase, demolishing all the arguments against the war, such as in So, Mr. Hitchens, Weren't You Wrong About Iraq? An evening's worth of reading is provided at the links from the bottom of this article, too, which demolish, point by point all the pseudo-arguments of the anti-war crowd.

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Blogger RG said...

OK. I see down on the previous comment thread there is a "Trees for our Children" idol worshipper. Yes. The kind of people that Mohammed's Islamic Armies destroyed throughout Asia during the first 400 years of the spread of Islam. People who made trees, rocks, stars, the moon, anything like that their passion were the type of idol worshippers that were destroyed with a vengeance since they were abhored by the followers of Allah.

Dadgum, when the swords of Allah passed through Asian countries, those trees couldn't do a thing for their faithfull followers. You would think a college kid would get a better education than higher learning in how to hug a tree just the right way.

November 20, 2007 1:41 am  
Blogger RG said...

Oh, one more thing. Recounts were done after the elections by left wing media outlets and wouldn't you know it. The margin of victory by Bush was greater than what he was awarded during the election.

But don't tell that to today's college student, college these days aren't interested in the facts of the world, only false, useless, liberal indoctrination that will be useless when it is time to get out in the world to make a buck.

November 20, 2007 1:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys are dumb.

"Hitch's perception the the world as it is, suffers from no lack of clarity."


"college these days aren't interested in the facts of the world,"


You know it's really apparent to everyone that you guys can't think very well.

November 20, 2007 12:53 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

"it's really apparent to everyone"

Everyone?? Wow!! 6.6 billion people read my blog!!!!!!! Yaaahhoooooo!!!

November 20, 2007 1:26 pm  

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