Monday, December 17, 2007

Holey Smoley!!!

Saudi King Pardons Famous Gang Rape Victim

"Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has pardoned a female rape victim who had been sentenced to 200 lashes for being alone with a man at the time of the attack who was not related to her, a Saudi newspaper reported Monday.

The case had sparked international outcry. In a rare criticism of its Mideast ally, the White House had expressed its “astonishment” over the woman’s sentence. Canada called it barbaric."

Okay. So what's so different about this instance? Why did the Saudi King cave to international pressure when they never have before? If we keep the pressure on, will there come a day when the rapist is punished and the woman isn't charged with anything. I'm not holding my breath.

Oh. And I note that Harper's Conservatives are at it again. Just doing what the American President wants them to. /sarcasm

And another Holey Smoley!!! of note is this:

Saddam's Secret Terror Documents

I don't mind saying that I never for a moment doubted that Saddam Hussein could sidle up to Islamist groups in the interests of doing any sort of dirty work he felt he could do with them. But this confirms it.


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