Saturday, March 01, 2008

Man Oh Man, It's Coming Together!

UPDATE on Bush Rasmussen Meeting: Apparently Bush had something to say about Canada, too. From the Montreal Gazette:
"I understand there's certain political constraints on certain countries. And so I am going to go to Bucharest with the notion that we're thankful for the contributions being made, and encourage people to contribute more," Bush said at a news conference on his Texas ranch. "The United States is putting in 3,200 additional Marines. We are trying to help Canada realize her goal of a thousand additional fighters in the southern part of the country."

Bush's remarks could provide Prime Minister Stephen Harper with some added negotiating power with nations like France, which last month signalled its desire to help Canada meet the military goal."
Bucharest. Canada. France. The Coalition of the Willing seems to be not just holding but growing. What's this about all these allienated allies the leftards are still whining about.

Also, check out Downeastblog's latest entry for the skinny on NATO's current committments to Afghanistan. Don't miss the link to a great YouTube video on the French forces.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, but the American Media will tell you that the coalition of the willing is an illusion - a charade foist upon a stupid, noncritical public. Stooges all, the Coalition.

Unfortunately (fortunately?) for France - they are starting to realize the actual magnitude of the problem they have - and suddenly having the US (and Canada) as a friend doesn't seem so bad.

March 03, 2008 5:29 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

It’s no coincidence that so many of the original coalition members were former Soviet bloc countries. They understand the meaning of tyranny.

I'm wondering how long it will take Spain to come back and whether Germany's next general election will signal an awakening in that country. I think Merkel has her hands somewhat tied, being in a minority government position (not unlike Harper's conservatives).

I think it's extremely fortunate that we have so many alternatives now to the main stream media. Something approaching the whole picture is now discernable, thanks to the tools available via the net. We no longer need to rely on big media filtered opinion posing as news.

March 03, 2008 6:16 pm  

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