Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Poor Palestinians /sarcasm

One of Saskatoon's resident whiners is complaining about the unfair advantage Israel has vis-a-vis the Palestinians. This is an old and stupid argument which assumes any conflict that is supposedly lopsided in this fashion ought to be refitted so that each side is relatively equal. Never mind that the much superior military forces of the state of Israel have shown absolutely remarkable restraint over nearly half a century.

Lets review this, shall we? First of all, lets put aside the brutal oppression of native Jews in most Arab countries throughout the whole post-World War II era and concentrate just on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Israel won four wars started by its Arab neighbours (1956,1967,1973,1982) except for a tiny little regaining of territory in the Sinai Peninsula by the Egyptians, which gave them enough saved face to enable then to sign a peace treaty with Israel. I was in Egypt, by the way, on the eve of the 1973 war and saw Egyptian forces mobilizing.

Israel has put up with years and years and years of terrorism orchestrated by Yasir Arafat (while stashing millions of aid dollars in a personal Swiss bank account) and the various cookie cutter permutations of his ground breaking initiative, all supplied and funded by other countries in the neighbourhood, motivated primarily by a desire to keep their own oppressed citizens eyes averted from their own miserable plight (of which Saddam Hussein was the biggest, by far and I won't even go into the special status accorded Palestinians in Iraq during his otherwise horrific reign of terror).

Never mind that Iranian sponsored and supplied Hezbollah, led by that fatboy Nasrallah, continuously lobs mortar rounds into civilian areas of Northern Israel, sometimes right under UNIFIL's noses, and sets up their bases, from which they launch the rockets in the middle of civilian areas, so that if Israel retaliates there will be a big hue and cry about the murdering civilians. This is contrary, by the way, to the much vaulted Geneva Conventions, which seem to be only for Western democracies. Never mind that every single time Israel retreats from an incursion into non-Israeli territory to stop this nonsense, the attacks begin all over again.

Never mind that Palestinians indoctrinate toddlers to be suicide bombers, even use children and mentally handicapped teens to deliver their bombs.

Never mind that even Egypt has built a wall to keep the Palestinians out and fires at any who try to breach the border. And no wonder.

Oh, and did I mention kidnappings?

Never mind that Palestinians living within Israel's borders live and enjoy a far better life than most of their brethren in Palestinian territory and in fact even hold some seats in the Knesset and that 78% of Israeli Arabs would prefer to remain under Israeli rule rather than become part of a future State of Palestine.

Never mind that the Palestinians have passed up dozens of opportunities to settle peacefully.

Nah. None of that and countless other factoids ignored by the lefties matters.

Israel has not done what it could (and maybe should) do, and simply invade, seize territory for good and set about wiping out that vile ideology that glorifies blowing oneself up along with all innocent by-standers in public places over and over and over and over and over and over and over (repeat ad nauseum).

No. The problem with that festering, never ending pus bucket situation is that Israel's armed forces have always chosen defense rather than offense. Maybe what they should do is change that tactic and actually drive the bastards into the sea and be done with it. Now there's a novel idea!! Not.

Whatever claim to justice the Palestinians once had has been wiped out many fold by their own sleezebucket behaviour of the past fifty years. There is no way on God's green earth that the Israelies should just calmly take all this year after year after year. And there is no way on God's green earth that the Palis will ever quit with their stupid thuggish behaviour for more than fifteen minutes after a peace treaty is signed, should one ever be negotiated. It ain't gonna happen.


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