Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Residential School Apology

UPDATE: A good article about the apology in the Star Phoenix.

I was able to hear a portion of the apology issued in the House of Commons today. I caught all of Stephen Harper's message and all of Stephane Dion's. I felt both were sincere and deeply moving. I only hope that the apologies do bring more healing to the Aboriginal people in this country. The Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, Lawrence Joseph, is said to have told a group of First Nations people assembled in Fort Qu'Appelle (site of the negotiation and signing of Treaty 4, as well as the location of one of the infamous schools), that they may wish to consider accepting the apology. The way that bit of news was read on the radio led me to believe that he really didn't want this apology because it would be a major blow to the Indian Industry, of which he is a captain. I hope my impression is wrong.


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