Friday, September 05, 2008

Jonathan Kay Outs the CBC's Neil MacDonald

CBC's appalling smear on Sarah Palin
"Imagine my embarrassment, then, when it turned out this week that the flagship newscast on the biggest, deep-pocketeddest, old-fashionedest Canadian media outlet of them all — the taxpayer-funded CBC — got suckered into reporting a story that the blogosphere chewed up, debunked, and spit out two days earlier."
Up to its usual standards, CBC's man in Washington was propagating left wing rumors about Sarah Palin's baby actually being her daughter's child and the supposed cover up the family had orchestrated to make it look like it was Palin's herself.
"Except for a few British outlets, no mainstream media reported on the rumor — even before it had been debunked. The Daily Kos itself shut up about the subject from Monday onwards.

But then, on Tuesday night — two full days after the rumor was killed — CBC’s The National went live with it."
"All total nonsense, of course. Total taxpayer-funded nonsense."
(Emphasis mine.)

Kinda makes you wonder how much we were being misled prior to the blogosphere, doesn't it.

Hey, Harper. Privatize the CBC, will you!!! Why should the taxpayer keep this bloated waste of money and airtime afloat?

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