Sunday, October 26, 2008

Haven't Got a Clue...

...what they are saying, but Mr. Batebi sure looks good. Life in the US must be sweet compared to his life in Evan Prison.

I was just looking for an update on his experience with freedom as it's offered by the Great Satan and came up with this. I'll dig a little further.

Here we go. Google and ye shall find:

A Torchbearer, Then and Now

“He wishes to put an end to the story of Ahmad Batebi as an individual,” Mr. Ghaemi said. “Within his own eyewitness experience, what happened to him happened also to 98 percent of the other prisoners. You see violations of human rights in Iran that are actually much more extensive than being able to describe in words. He believes that there are things that people here cannot even dream of taking place.”
"The country leads the world in juvenile executions.... Two million of its people are believed to be heroin addicts."
God help the great Persian people.

If the West does decide to topple the theocracy, lets hope whoever is the American President will not be vilified the way George Bush was and lets hope the Iranians can quickly recover from their 30 years in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Oh. I forgot to add. Bush is still Hitler. Never forget.


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