Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Five Years From Now... will be a good question for Trivial Pursuit."

Thus spake Canada's one and only shimmering gem employed by Mother Corp in this wonderfully penned article about the mighty coalition that had Canadians atwitter only just ten days ago. I give you Rex Murphy, Canada's singular exemplary wordsmith, summing up the most deliciously screwed up political gamble in Canadian history, IMHO, of course:

And what of this coalition now?
"And where is this coalition now? What is it? Does it even still exist? Mr. Ignatieff hems and haws about "a coalition if necessary, but not necessarily a coalition," which is what a really fancy mind comes up with when it wants to say yes and no to the same question. Equivocation in a tuxedo, but pure equivocation nonetheless."
"...on the few occasions that Mr. Ignatieff has been pushed to clarify the most central question in all of Canadian politics - is the agreement to bring down Stephen Harper still in force? - the most erudite washing machine in Canadian politics goes into full spin cycle.

And out tumbles yes, no, and maybe as if they were synonyms."
"This week, the once explosive notion of a coalition is a shimmer in some phantom zone of yesterday's politics. No one who had anything to do with it wants to admit it's dead. They want it to fade away all on its own. If it wasn't for that signing ceremony and the wonderfully retentive powers of videotape, I'd almost bet some of its backers would deny it ever existed."
Ah, Rex. What would we do without ya? ROTFLMAO!! (More at the link)


Blogger A Dog Named Kyoto said...

The always eloquent Mr. Murphy is right on the money once again. And he's still the only thing worth watching on the CBC.

December 14, 2008 11:15 pm  

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