Friday, April 03, 2009

Arabs for Israel

I've mentioned Nonie Darwish before on this blog. She is a woman worth watching. Today, on one of my daily reads I find this interview of her (go to the 2:24 minute mark). It's always interesting to learn more about a person who one considers a hero. Darwish, Egyptian born, apparently, is the daughter of an Egyptian military intelligence officer, who was killed by Israel. She grew up in Gaza during the time when it was "occupied" by Egypt. At the 5:02 mark, she has some interesting things to say about what Arab children were taught in school during that era and, more to the point, what was omitted from the curriculum. I doubt whether that has changed.

Notice, too, she says pretty much the same thing that I said in this post and she is sooo 1000% right about the failure of Arab countries to develop their own societies or use their money to help resettle and build a healthy economy for the Palestinians. They are simply using the Pals for their own aggrandizement. Anyone who has watched the Middle East for as long as I have, will know that by now.

At any rate, it was interesting to learn that she has started a group she calls Arabs for Israel and she has a blog by the same name. Check it out. You might want to read some of the letters from Arabs on her blog, too. Very illuminating.

She has a new book, too, about the growth of Sharia in the Muslim world: Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law.

Speaking of school curriculum, here's an audio file of and interview with Palestinian Walid Shoebat, who has followed the same life path as Darwish.


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