Monday, May 25, 2009

Tony Burman - CBC Bias Exposed

He openly boasts about his and Mother Corpse's blatant anti-Bush pro-Democrat agenda. He also openly admits that the Canadian government considers CBC to be "its broadcaster". He claims Al Jazeera does not interfere with his work. Well, duh!! Why would they interfere with someone who so willingly does their American bashing for them. He also says he knows Canadians want a diversity of views. They are sure not getting it from CBC, his former employer. And this guy considers himself to be a journalist. Hah!!!

Canada's other Al Jazeera darling, Avi Lewis, has also gained international prestige as a rabid anti-American idiot for this little gem:

They both left CBC at about the same time. Kinda makes you wonder if they were given an ultimatum - resign or be fired. I'm pretty certain those two contributed the lion's share of Canada's disgust with their national broadcaster. Is it little wonder that Al Jazeera snapped them up? Great catch, as far as they're concerned.


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