Sunday, July 19, 2009

Iran Elections Unrest Shook Iraqis

confidence in clerics.
"A poll by a research institute in Najaf shows that secular powers have better chances than Islamic parties to win the next general elections. Salih Murtada, president of the Zahraa Institute which conducted the poll, explained that “Shiite Islamists who mixed religion with politics since the Iranian revolution in 1979 caused painful blows to be dealt to Shiite Islam”.

According to Murtada. “The poll which surveyed 1,000 individuals from all social classes in Najaf showed that dismay from the influence of clerics has increased since after the provincial elections. Clerics have failed to manage the state in both Iraq and Iran…The resent unrest in Iran after the elections had a direct impact in shaking the Iraqi public’s confidence in clerics”."
If Iran succeeds in overthrowing the theocracy and establishing a genuine democracy, Iraq's future will be brighter than it is now and not just because it will completely destroy the network of funding and support for terrorist attacks within Iraq that the Iranian regime now supplies. I think Iran's potential to reach civilizational excellence far exceeds that of Iraq because of their different histories. The influence will no doubt rub off on Iraq.

For the sake of Iraq - GO IRAN!!


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