Friday, August 07, 2009

I've Lost Count

UPDATE: What'd I tell ya.

Taliban commander denies Meshud dead

Kinda reminds me of back in the old days when Chairman Mao was ailing. There were frequent reports of his death, which, according to the Chinese commies, were greatly exaggerated, until finally they couldn't keep up the pretense any more and had to admit he was, in fact, really dead.

Anyway, all in all, it was a good day for hunting terrorists. They got one in Indonesia.

Wanted terror suspect Top killed

Guess he ain't "Top" any more.
...but I think this is about the third time that Pakistan Taliban leader Baitulla Meshud as been killed. Tough bastards must be like the bugs I step on in my hallway. They go crunch and they look flattened and very dead, but sure enough, they come back to life and crawl away. Remember Abu Musab-Zarqawi in Iraq? Hell. He was alleged to have been captured at least a dozen times before he was really, really captured. Sneaky sons-a-bitches seem to have nine or more lives.

Of course, Meshud will be replaced, if he really is dead. Sooner or later though, this movement is going to dry up and there won't be so many stupid brainwashable martyrs ready to offer themselves up and the quality of their commitment and skill will diminish in stride. Only a matter of time.

Oh. And Snoopy the Goon has the final say.


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