Monday, December 28, 2009

"Predictions" Time

Victor Davis Hanson has some very interesting predictions about the direction Obama's administration will take in 2010. I hope he's right.

As for my predictions, here are three (for now at least):

1) The Islamic Republic of Iran will fall, and be replaced by a secular republic;

2) The Dems will suffer mightily in the mid-term elections;

3) The Repubs will get their leader, who will, hopefully, purge the party of its rabid religious right.

Well, okay, that last one is just wishful thinking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

speechless - most democrats and republicans can cooperate and govern together,if we reject the religious demands.

what is the list of the unenlightened democrat and republican politicians who have to be booted out of power?

Proposal: Reed, Kerry, Pelosi, Schwartzenegger, Devall, Kuzenich,Barbour,Dodd, Lieberman, Hinchey, Randy Forbes.....

January 01, 2010 3:51 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Any idea if they will be booted out of power? Being a Canuck, I don't know much, if anything at all, about some of the people on your list. But I do regard the first three as lecherous, especially Pelosi. However, my understanding is that her constituency back in California has an over supply of moonbats, so I'm not holding my breath.

January 01, 2010 7:00 pm  

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