Sunday, February 07, 2010


Hillary Clinton is getting very, very close to the same arguments made by Blair and Bush in justification for the Iraq war. In fact the only thing missing is the threat to go to war.

Al-Qaeda threat graver to US than Iran: Clinton
"But I think that most of us believe the greater threats are the trans-national non-state networks," she said, referring to Al-Qaeda and its affiliates in Afghanistan, North Africa, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
""The biggest nightmare that any of us have is that one of these terrorist member organizations within this syndicate of terror will get their hands on a weapon of mass destruction," Clinton said."
Remember this. It was the ability of any two-bit terrorist group to gain sponsorship of oil-wealthy rogue states, and the necessary munitions, particularly WDM, that motivated the Bush/Blair decision.

Oh, and imagine how frosty relations between Clinton and Obama must be. One thing you can say for Hillary, she's more of a realist than The Big O will ever be.


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