Friday, April 23, 2010

From "The Science is Settled" Department

Climate scientist sues newspaper for 'poisoning' global warming debate

Good luck with that Mr. Weaver. Your idea of debate is that there is no room for it. Too bad AGW zealots aren't protected by Human Rights tribunals. Your chances of success would be so much better.

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Blogger Millie_Woods said...

I would like to see a class action suit by taxpayers in western countries against the UN for the fraud being perpetrated by the IPCC. It's cost us hundreds of billions in cash and lost economic opportunities. If that's successful, next would be the scientists and individuals who've been making unfounded claims and dire predictions of climate disaster.

Of course none of this will happen but I can still fantasize about it.

April 23, 2010 8:36 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Hear! Hear!

I'm still holding on to the hope that some Western nations will take these fraudsters to the wall. Hearings and then criminal investigations should ensue forthwith. At the very least, violations of freedom of information laws should be worth at least charges in civil, if not criminal courts.

April 23, 2010 9:05 pm  
Blogger Millie_Woods said...

Thanks to people like Anthony Watts and Steve McIntyre, the climate wizards are starting to feel some pressure. FOI laws are having some sucess at getting access to these cranks' 'work' (I'm using the word loosely) and scepticism is on the rise. It's a start.

Now if we can just drive a wedge between them and their sponsors and collaborators in government the funding will begin drying up. After that comes the lawsuits. I would dearly love to see Suzuki in a courtroom explaining his statement that businessmen and politicians should go to prison for opposing global warming theory.

April 24, 2010 10:54 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Yup. The ClimateGate scandal seems to have receded into the background now, unfortunately. We have all sorts of self-interested "scientists" making absurd claims to the effect that ClimateGate doesn't mean anything. I hope the momentum hasn't been lost. It's tragic that we seem to have lame duck governments all over the Western world right now, too.

Publishing a list of funders on the net would be a really good idea, both of the pro-AGW and no-AGW proponents. I suspect such a list would be very revealing.

April 24, 2010 11:36 am  

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