Friday, April 23, 2010

The Religion of Peace and Canada

Muslim woman fears death for working in a hair salon frequented by men
"A Muslim woman fighting to stay in Canada fears being disfigured with acid for allegedly “bringing shame” to her ex-husband’s family in Pakistan by leaving him and travelling here to work in a hair salon frequented by men."
"“I don’t leave the house or go anywhere because I am scared,” she said. “Sometimes the women are also disabled, burned or tortured.”

Tabassum claims family members in Pakistan are still receiving threats from ex-husband, Faisal Javed, who has threatened to kill her.

“He (ex-husband) is determined to have me killed or crippled,” she said. “I am very concerned for myself.”

Tabassum entered Canada from the U.S. in 2001 and filed a failed refugee claim. She faces deportation to the U.S., and then to Pakistan, which is under appeal before an Immigration and Refugee Board.

She claimed Javed is angered because she works in a salon that styles men’s hair and suspects she has a boyfriend, which she denies."
I'm all for the reforms to the refugee process implemented by the Harper government, but at the same time, I think that Muslim women who file for refugee status, should almost automatically get it. Trouble is, as one of the commenters on that report says:
"the sad part is MUSLIMS who want to and need to get away from ISLAM are finding no shelter in our nations anymore- we have allowed HERE to become THERE-

and when the process is fully accomplished where will we go to find sanctuary? to get away from PISSLAMIC terror and perversions, human rights abuse?
The latest wave of radical MUSLIMS is ruining it for the rest of them, as our lack of ACTION to combat it."

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