Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blast From the Past

I love going through my sitemeter reports. It shows what parts of my blog people have hit and somethings it digs up some gems.

Today, this is one of the entries uncovered. (I think it may have been my pal, Indigo Red, who was searching.) The "Sean" I am referring to is Sean Shaw, who used to have a blog that I visited from time to time. Sean was/is a graduate of an Environmental Science program from some university in Ontario who found himself transported to Saskatchewan and was living in Saskatoon. I believe he was either a student or a faculty member at the U of S. He was a staunch NDPer/Green freak. In any case, he had swallowed all the usual leftie nonsense about every bleeding thing in the universe.

I still think my response to him, of which the link is only a part, is one of the best I've ever written.

PS: You also get to learn a lot about geography. Did you know there was a place in Texas called Sugar Land? Kinda evokes a bit of that sweet southern drawl, don't it. (Which I love, BTW. Lefties like to ridicule it, but I like it.)

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