Monday, August 30, 2010

Playing the Numbers Game

UPDATED AGAIN AND BUMPED: Atlas Shrugs has dealt with the crowd size issue, too.  
UPDATE: ABC says "hundreds of thousands".   So, CBC, are you ready to issue a correction now?
CBC says "Beck's conservative rally" draws tens of thousands. CBS's estimate is about the same.
"Crowd estimates used to be provided by the National Park Service, but the agency stopped counting crowds in 1997 after being accused of underestimating the size of the Million Man March in 1995."
But Weazel Zippers provides evidence to the contrary.

To give credit where credit is due, though, NBC does a better job.

Of course, it is only natural (read: politically correct) to over estimate the numbers attending a rally of Black people and deprecate those attended primarily by pesky White people who use the word God enough times to make a leftard squirm. Don't you just love it when they shriek in horror and keep putting their feet in their mouths.

MSM, you are sooooo dead. You should take up something less risky, like Old Maid or Go Fish, or Solitaire.

Related, courtesy of Weazel Zippers:

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