Monday, September 20, 2010

I Don't See Any Parallels Here....

...Do you?
"A group of Muslims, led by an extremist cleric in Sargodha, Pakistan, is constructing a mosque on top of a Christian graveyard.

When construction was ongoing, it was originally thought that an addition was being built to a mosque that was already there. However, the Muslim group has been seen desecrating the graves of Christians in the graveyard, OneNewsNow reported.

According to the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, the government has ordered that construction cease. However, the mosque is still being built. Jonathan Racho of the group, International Christian Concern, sees this as no surprise, OneNewsNow said.

Racho told OneNewsNow, “We know that the Islamic faith is very much aggressive, and Islam expanded over a large part of the world through the use of jihad and the use of force, and they have been using this in many countries, including Pakistan.”

Racho also said that Muslims commonly use force to oppress Christians and make them leave an area. One way to do this is to build a mosque on a Christian cemetery. In such case there would be nothing gained by taking the issue to court, because Pakistani law forbids demolishment of a religious place, OneNewsNow reported.

Even as the desecration of the Christian cemetery is taking place, the Muslims have threatened Christians who would try to challenge them, saying there would be retribution, OneNewsNow said.

In a separate development, ICC has reported that there are incidents where Christians who are victims of the recent widespread flood have been withheld aid unless they convert to Islam, according to OneNewsNow."

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