Monday, January 24, 2011

Back to Tunisia

Tunisia Shuts down Popular TV Channel
"The state news agency said the government had arrested the network’s owner and stopped its broadcast for “grand treason,” charging that the network was trying “to abort the youth’s revolution, spread confusion, incite strife and broadcast false information likely to create a constitutional vacuum and destabilize the country in order to take it into a spiral of violence that aims to restore the dictatorship of the former president,” according to a government statement."
"“The owner was with the revolution, giving voice to all the people,” he said, speaking to a small gaggle of reporters in a dimly lighted doorway outside the darkened studio. Mr. Sallemi called the shutdown a flagrant violation of freedom of the press, arguing that any charges against the owner could be adjudicated without suddenly taking a major network off the air.

Reacting to the news on Sunday night, several Tunisians said the move seriously damaged the credibility of the interim government, which is facing mounting protests against its continued dominance by former members of the old ruling party, including a prime minister who was Mr. Ben Ali’s right-hand man. The fate of the network is widely seen here as a crucial test of the new government’s commitment to civil liberties."
A bit of a rocky road.

France steps up to the plate. Meanwhile, there is some progress on the formation of a new government.

Whether the mobs on the street will accept that, is another matter. They seem to be leaderless. It would be nice if someone stepped up to the plate and read a list of demands, at the very least, or proposed a method of transition, rather than just opposing every attempt so far to bring order and stability. If they reject this "committee of wise men", then they really need to propose an alternative. If they don't they may just get a military dictatorship or an Islamist one. Take your pick, Tunisia. It wouldn't be the first time a revolution goes off the rails, especially in the Arab world, and you know there will be a lot of neighbourhood dictators working double time to orchestrate the derailment.

In the meantime, Canada, I want to hear from you on the investigation file. Will you follow Sarkozy's lead? There's a family living in a posh hotel in Montreal whose financial doings and assets deserve some careful scrutiny.

Also in the meantime, things are heating up in Egypt.

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