Saturday, February 26, 2011

An Eye Witness Account of the Chaos in Libya

According to the fans who post comments on CBC and the Flop & Flail, all of this is Harper's fault. Cripes that man is powerful!!
"Meanwhile, foreign governments are scrambling to evacuate their citizens from a country with patchy communications, where pro-government forces are waging violent crackdowns and flights are often cancelled."
Well said, sir. But I wish you'd kept it a secret. I love watching the MSM fall on their own sword.

And poor old God Damned Daffy can't even rely on Libyan forces to protect him. I'm sure that's Harper's fault, too.

And don't you just love these headlines?

Tories surge ahead of Liberals

REID: Election charges undermine Harper legacy

Notice what the first link reveals about university types, who, of course are our betters.

The MSM is sooooo out of touch with reality. Their own blatant bias is coming back to bite them. I suspect the next election will really be about them. With apologies to Abraham Lincoln: "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people - except leftards" - all of the time.

And here's an excellent Op-Ed on the Canadian media:

View From the Hill by Keith Beardsley – Who’s Listening to Canadians? Is Anyone?
"The latest round of political opinion polls has a message for the opposition parties-focus on what matters to Canadians.

While the so called Bev Oda scandal allows opposition politicians to hyperventilate with outrage in Ottawa and the media and political pundits are beside themselves over how not answering questions that were never asked is unacceptable and the end of democracy, average Canadians are largely ignoring them.

If the opposition think Canadians driving their kids to a 6 AM hockey practice care about Bev Oda, they are wrong. Asking the Prime Minister (even when he isn’t there) virtually every question in Question Period and blaming him for every ill in Canada doesn’t work either. Canadians aren’t stupid, they don’t believe every mistake or issue is the personal responsibility of the Prime Minister, so why waste their time pretending that it is?"
"For far to long Canadians have watched the politicians in Ottawa kicking sand in each others face in our parliamentary sandbox. They are turned off. Whatever happened to Michael Chong’s suggested reforms? If some of his suggestions had been adopted the Oda saga might have played out quite differently. Simply put, Canadians don’t care about the issues our opposition politicians are telling them to pay attention too. The message from Canadians to the opposition politicians is that they should listen to us for a change."
Well said, sir. But I wish you had kept it a secret. I love watching the MSM fall on their own sword.

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