Saturday, February 26, 2011

Never Let It be Said

...that revolutions can't inspire some delicious humour:

Our own African Psycho Gaddafi deserves an Oscar
"Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has been in power for 41 years, so the world knows he is a little mad. However, no one imagined he had so much more madness inside him.

Besieged, and having lost control of a large part of his country to protestors, Gaddafi entered a very dark place.

He became the first modern dictator anywhere to order his air force jets and navy ships to attack protestors in the street.

His faced distorted by botox, raving like a deranged man, Gaddafi has been a scary sight to watch on TV."
Too late for this year's Oscars, I guess, but there's always next year.
"However, in their moments of disgrace and humiliation, these dictators have still taught Africa a few key political lessons that needed good examples to illustrate them.

The first lesson is on the vexing matter of presidential term limits.

In the past 10 years, many African leaders have scrapped term limits so they can rig elections and continue in office. No region has been spared.

In the East African Community, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni did away with term limits in 2005.

What Ben Ali and Mubarak’s fates, and now Gaddafi’s troubles, tell us is that the people want term limits.

That if a leader resists having the term limits written into law, the people will eventually impose them from the street.

Secondly, that 20 years and beyond is a danger zone for any ruler. More often than not, it ends badly."
And I would add, if "the people" don't do that for themselves, don't be surprised if someone else does it for them, especially if the dear leader uses the nation's resources to abuse the West.

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Blogger mahmood said...

The insane Colonel's face has that Michael Jackson pill poppin' look about it which begs the question if M. Jackson's doctor can make a house call.

February 26, 2011 7:46 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

You have a point. He did say that the young people were drugged, didn't he. He must have some knowledge of the effects drugs can have on the mind.

And I'm sure M. Jackson's doc has been looking for someone else to keep the money rolling in.

February 26, 2011 7:59 pm  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

My guess is that that drug allegation is a classic psychological case of projection.

And that's only one of his milder mental illness issues. IMO, the man's a sociopath.

I suggest a quick read of the 1 page brief Wiki summary article on Antisocial Personality Disorder (of which sociopathy and psychopathy are sub-types) and especially the Signs & Symptoms section. It's a capsule summary of Muammar Gaddafi (and Saddam Hussein also).

February 26, 2011 10:14 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

I've often wondered how Middle Eastern/Muslim countries handle mental disorders and whether much of the violence and misanthropy can be explained thereby.

February 26, 2011 10:20 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

BTW, a while back you suggested I put an email address up so folks can provide me with tips. I've added one up in the header. You'll have to cut and paste cause I don't know how to make it "live", if that's the right word.

February 26, 2011 10:47 pm  

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