Sunday, August 14, 2011

Much Ado About Nothing

MIT researchers claim UN Arctic predictions are inaccurate
"The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had released its most recent report in 2007.

It forecasts that the Arctic Ocean will have an ice-free summer by the year 2100. However, that finding has been contradicted by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

They say the Arctic summer will be ice-free several decades earlier, within many people’s lifetimes."
Gee. Kinda reminds be the British Columbia's coastline during the Ice Age.
"Research from the 1990s has indicated that the Ice Age-era coastline of the British Columbia Coast was lower by about 100 metres (330 ft). The effect of the waterlevel on the coastline was such that the Queen Charlotte Strait, which is between Haida Gwaii and the northern end of Vancouver Island, was a coastal plain, as were all the straits inland from it, except for those that were mountain valleys. Underwater archaeology has shown the presence of permanent human habitations and other activity at the 100-metre (330 ft) contour, and the Ice Age existence of such a coastal plain has put a new light on Ice Age populations in North America as well as on the strong likelihood of this area having been the major migration route from (and perhaps to) Asia."
It's happened before folks, long before we were churning out CO2. What makes this so different?

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