Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Times, They Have-a-Changed!

Remember when Canucks went to the US to find opportunity?

The tide has turned. There's gold in that thar oil patch:
"Mel Zimmerman, vice-president of search at executive recruiter Toombs Inc. in Calgary, said oil sands companies are paying attention to negative market sentiment, but still moving “full steam ahead” with their projects and hefty hiring plans, particularly for 2012 and 2013.

“As I talk to some of those big integrated upstream companies, they are not hiring four and six, the plans are to hire four hundreds and six hundreds.” The most competitive areas, he said, are in the trades and technical disciplines."
I'm with these guys.

PS. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nobel Peace Laureates! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Right up there with Yassir Arafat.

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