Saturday, January 28, 2012

Immigration Reform Coming

Tories pitching 'significant' immigration reform
"Immigration Minister Jason Kenney told Sun News Network on Thursday one of the biggest changes will be to "invite businesses to go overseas, recruit the people who they think will work well in their companies, give them those job offers, and then we'll bring them in (to Canada) on a super-fast basis."

But the Tories will also change the system that grades prospective immigrants on their language and work skills, among other factors, to determine whether they'll be allowed to come live in Canada.

"In 2012, we will be reforming our federal points system, called our Skilled Worker Program, to attract those people who we know, based on research, are most likely to succeed - younger immigrants, people with pre-arranged jobs in Canada, folks with higher levels of income," said Kenney."
And there's not a damn thing the Libs and Dippers can do about it.

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