Saturday, June 30, 2012

Today in History...

On the radio station that my ears are usually glued to, they are making a big deal out of the 100th anniversary of the "Regina Cyclone". For anyone who has not had the privilege of having to listen to this, on this day in 1912, a tornado ripped through the small prairie city, capital of the (still fairly new) province of Saskatchewan. That event remains the most deadly tornado in Canada's history, we've been told. A total of 28 people were killed.

I've been thinking and wondering what our leftie greenie babies think about this. They keep wanting us to believe that storms and weather disasters are increasing in number and intensity and more and more people and buildings are being killed/destroyed all because of human induced global warming. It never seems to occur to them that one hundred years on, there are a lot more people and a lot more buildings, and that alone would account for the number of deaths and the sweep and cost of the damage to structures.

Ya'll probably remember a vicious tornado ripping though the Missouri city of Joplin last year. In 1880, Joplin's population was just a little over 7,000. Today, it's very nearly 10 times that. Surely factors such as that must be considered in any assessment about whether there are changes to severe weather patterns.

And speaking of Missouri, take a look this chart from Wikipedia:

List of North American tornadoes and tornado outbreaks

Note the following, from that webpage:
  • Exact death and injury counts are not possible, especially for large events and events before 1955.
  • Prior to 1950 in the United States, only significant tornadoes are listed for the number of tornadoes in outbreaks.
  • Due to increasing detection, particularly in the U.S., numbers of counted tornadoes have increased markedly in recent decades although number of actual tornadoes and counted significant tornadoes has not. In older events, the number of tornadoes officially counted is likely underestimated.
Note also, that the deadliest tornado in the US took place in 1925, eighty-seven years ago.

Case closed.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

And the hottest North American summer on record was the summer of 1934, 78 years ago. (Which was also the peak of the "Dust Bowl" western drought years.)

July 01, 2012 12:51 pm  

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