Friday, July 13, 2012

Some Stories Just Make You Go...

...aaah, the world is gonna be okay:

Chivalrous Quebec knight making stops in Saskatchewan
"A Quebec man who is riding across the country as a knight, promoting chivalry, has reached Saskatchewan and says he is feeling very comfortable on the Prairies.

Vincent Gabriel Kirouac, 22, has been in the province since mid-June, traversing the southern portion of Saskatchewan by following Highway 13.

"It's been going very good," Kirouac told CBC Radio host Craig Lederhouse on Thursday from Maple Creek, Sask. "Since the beginning I've never been sleeping outside. People in Canada have been very hospitable."

He said he felt especially welcomed on the Prairies and in Saskatchewan.

"I'm thinking maybe about moving to Saskatchewan after all of this," he said.

He explained that finding a place to stay has been as simple as riding into a farm yard and knocking on a door."
"He said he introduces himself by asking if they have heard about his cross-country project.

Most have not, so he explains himself and his goal which is to raise awareness about integrity, politeness and respecting people."
Gotta like some of the comments, too:
"Women must go crazy for him ... knight in shinning armor. Maybe he's doing this to get girls phone numbers."
"Once your mission is accomplished please return to Ottawa and slay the beasts that would enslave us and ruin all that is Canada !!!"
"hail good knight sir Vincent of la flor da leaf (sic)..... july 2012

let it be known..... that...

perhaps the way out of the mire is to be a light .... ie focus on the good and the green and the joys of the world..... lift with joy rather than despair.....

be well on your crusade good sir.....

and you and your mount stay hydrated in the swelter"
Indeed, with the heatwave we've been having, it must be awfully hot under that metal helmet and knight's attire.

And did you know that the very oldest still existing written version of the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is in French?

Sir Galahad's Kirouac's website.

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Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

I hope the good people of Saskatchewan will not shoot him and/or the horse he rode on. Be a pity after all that ride.

Nah, just kidding.

July 15, 2012 8:21 am  

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