Saturday, June 27, 2015

Long Overdue

What will it take to fix the UN? Or is it beyond repair? I happen the think it should go the way of the dinosaur.

UN report denies Israel's right of self-defense, advocates arrest of Israelis instead


Man found decapitated in France terror attack

""The intent was without doubt to cause an explosion. It was a terrorist attack," President Francois Hollande said at a news conference in Belgium.

French Prosecutor Francois Molins said four suspects were in custody, including the suspected attacker, identified as Yassin Salih, 35, his wife, his sister and another person close to him.
"The slain victim's head was found yards away from the body, stuck on a perimeter fence, with Arabic writing on or near it. There were also flags or banners bearing Arabic writing found at the scene."

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Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

I always consider how much parking space will be freed in Manhattan if they remove these blighters from NYC.

June 29, 2015 2:33 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Indeed!! And paying parkers, at that!!!

June 29, 2015 2:46 am  

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